1) Create safe passage in and out of our community by foot, motorcycle, or vehicle
2) Build necessary bridges and drainage canals for rainwater flow
3) Help with the infrastructure in our community – by being available for the needs of the people
Reasons for this project:​
Currently, our roadway from the north has 20 feet of rubble to pass over. During rains, the area becomes washed out and treacherous to pass until it dries out and is packed down again. Even then it still has large ruts and is difficult to travel over.
Our true access road into the mission has been covered over with the rocks and rubble from the hillsides washing down and not having any canal to direct it over the roadway. The roadway is alongside other homes, which now have rubble piled up to their windows and blocking their entrances. With every rain, it worsens the problem of lack of drainage.
Due to the lack of infrastructure in the country, we don’t feel we should continue to wait and hope for the government to do something to solve the problem. We believe, since we are the Christian mission is this area, that we need to reach out and help the community.
If there is an emergency in the area, especially after a heavy rain, no one can get in or out except possibly by foot over the rubble and rocks. But when it rains, the area becomes like active rivers (one at the base of the mission wall where our overflow water goes, another on the road up the hill beside our wall, and still another in the pathway between the next two houses.
Since Andris, as an engineer, has worked on helping create roads in southwestern Haiti prior to working with LHM, he and Megene (the welder) are working together on the plans.
We plan to do this project in several stand-alone phases as finances permit. It will involve 2-3 bridges and 2 large drainage canals.
The Proposal:​
1) Planning
Andris and Megene are meeting with the area homeowners, landowners, area government officials, community leaders, and residents of the community to share their concerns, their ideas and plans, and request their support and assistance when possible.
2) Execution​
Put in a bridge at the base of the mission wall.
Put in a large bridge at the base of the road beside the mission wall.
(These two areas will drain into a large stone/rock drainage canal curving into a second large stone/rock drainage canal that will direct water to the end of an area where there is another road. It will drain off to the left.)
Put in a large bridge at the base of the next pathway between the next two houses.
Put in a stone/rock large drainage canal to the end of the area where there is another road, it will drain into that road
Connect the roadway across the bridges for access in and out of the community.
We plan to use the rock and gravel that has blocked roadway to help do this project. We do understand this is an extensive and costly project, but it is one that is very needed for the safety and good of the community.
Later, we will also need to help with the other side of the mission road (with southern access). That area will need at least 2 bridges and a drainage canal alongside the roadway. There are 1-2 washed out areas that are usually impassable.