There are always additions and improvements needed at the mission, and this year is no exception. Here is a list of the current projects that we would love to be able to undertake.
1. Outdoor sitting area. $25,000. We built a lean-to after the 2010 earthquake for a classroom. We continue to use this area for Bible studies, VBS, School waiting area, etc. However the structure has become dangerous since the wooden posts are termite infested. We plan to replace the wooden posts with cement posts and expand the area to accommodate more people at one time.
2. Completion of the campus wall. $27,000. While 80% of our campus wall is built and secure, there is still 20% that is not complete where we are concerned about the weakened areas of tin where we constantly need to repair. We feel it is necessary to finally construct a permanent wall to ensure the security of our staff, friends, vendors and students.
2022 Construction Projects Update:
* Outdoor sitting area
* Campus Wall
We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us on
the mission's construction expenses
If you have any questions about how your dollars are utilized, please feel free to contact
our treasurer, Nancy Thorbahn at 614.288.8135 or click on the email button below.
If you wish to make a one-time or monthly donation by check, CLICK HERE.